Choose the plan that is fit for your needs
Our Optimized WordPress hosting gives you better speed and functionality. Choose the best plan that is best for your business needs. Choice is yours
Excellend home of Unlimited features! Extra tools to boost your website performance.
Super-Fast websites
powered by samsung NVMe SSD Drives.
Chose from over 80 installs such as wordpress and magento
Protect your websites from hackers with our Free SSL Certificate for all websites.
If you are not satisfied with our service. You can get refund within 30 days.
We provide world’s powerful control panel to manage your websites.
We provide free .com domain with yearly plans. Our pricing is best for reliable hosting.
Yes, we provide unlimited web hosting with unlimited features. Please note, we don’t provide DCMA ignored web hsoting. So, you can host websites like movies.
We provide 2 Cores CPU and 2GB RAM for our lowest plans. If you need more resources you can upgrade your plan.
We provide free migration service for cPanel web hosting. Just provide us your previous cPanel credentials and we will do the rest.
You can start your own web hosting business with the help of reseller hosting. We can help you get started in web hosting business.
Trust is the key to make a successful business.
Powered by Media Magnet Services
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